The importance of a high quality SPF – Mirabel Clinic – Swindon

Although we love spending time out in the sun, as it emerges in late spring and beams in summer, if we do not respect it, the sun’s UV rays can have a devastating effect on our skin.

The importance of a good quality SPF not only during the warmer months, but all year round, for the health and youthful appearance of our skin, is well documented and here at Mirabel Clinic in Swindon, we can’t stress enough how vital it is to protect your skin from the damaging and ageing UV rays, even when it’s raining outside.

Why SPF?

Using a high-quality SPF should be part of a daily routine as whenever we see daylight, our skin is being exposed to UVA rays (the ageing ultra violet rays which can cause premature lines, wrinkles and age spots) and UVB rays (the ones stronger when the sun is shining) which can change the molecular makeup of our skin, increasing the risk of cancer cells forming.

Both UVA and UVB rays need to be considered when choosing an SPF and nowadays, we would not recommend any lower than an SPF50 for good protection every day, to safeguard as much as possible.

A good SPF not only protects the skin from UV rays but also helps to prolong the aesthetic results from treatments which are performed, here at Mirabel Clinic. Having a good skin quality, really makes a difference when it comes to the longevity of your results, especially when you consider that most skin ageing is attributed to the effects of UV rays.

Aren’t all SPF creams essentially the same?

Absolutely not.

Depending on the brand, some SPF creams can contain harmful chemicals which can make the skin more sensitive and reactive. Many people who experience rosacea for example, will need to choose very carefully which brand to use, as well as those who have particularly sensitive skin.

Chemical or physical sunscreen?

The Heliocare range of SPF creams which we recommend here at Mirabel clinic contain 2% zinc oxide, and protects against a whole range of UVA rays. Many companies shy away from using this ingredient as it is expensive, and opt for Titanium Dioxide, which only protects against short wave UVA rays. This is why we love Heliocare, here at Mirabel Clinic.

The range of Heliocare SPF treatments we recommend includes…

Heliocare 360 Oil Free – great for all / oiler skin types

Heliocare 360 Colour Oil Free – with an added hint of colour

Heliocare 360 Fluid Cream – Perfect for more mature / dryer skin types

Heliocare Advanced Gel – Best for sensitive skins

Heliocare Sun Touch – A little shimmer, great for holidays or a night out

How and when do I apply my SPF?

You should apply your SPF cream first thing in the morning, after you have completed your skincare regime (so on top of any serums, eye gels, eye creams and moisturisers). Make up can be applied over the top, but for extra protection, you could mix in some extra SPF with your foundation, or opt for a tinted product.

In the height of summer, we would recommend re-applying your SPF every 2 hours for maximum effect, as this is the optimum time that an SPF cream will be effective and present on the skin. Sounds like a nuisance, but your skin will really benefit from this attention during the sunnier seasons.

During less sunny months, we would still recommend ‘topping up’ your SPF midway through the day and being mindful if there is a sunny break in the weather.

Which Heliocare product is best for me?

At Mirabel Clinic we have been trained extensively on which Heliocare product to advise you and will examine your skin and discuss your needs with you in a consultation and skin analysis, or we will advise on the best Heliocare SPF after you have had a particular treatment or procedure.

Protecting your skin against harmful UV rays is one of the most important things you can do for your appearance and your health. Speak with one of our Heliocare-trained advisors, to find out which Heliocare product you will find most effective (and addictive) for beautiful and youthful, protected skin, all-year-round.

To purchase Heliocare SPF in Swindon, or get free advice on which products are best for your skin, contact our friendly clinic team today on 01793 321180.