Safety in Aesthetics – Mirabel Clinic – Swindon

Staying safe at our Swindon aesthetic clinic: Procedures such as the use of injectable fillers are hugely popular and can change the lives and appearances of people all over the world for the better. Non-surgical procedures are very attractive to those patients who are not ready, or indeed, not in need of invasive surgical procedures. However, this rise in demand for cosmetic injectable treatments has meant that there has been a considerable rise in the number of unlicensed and non-medical practitioners who are performing aesthetic treatments that they are not qualified or indeed, trained extensively enough to perform safely; many with devastating consequences.

You may think that the cosmetic and beauty industry is a highly-regulated one and completely safe and, if someone is using a needle to administer a particular treatment, then surely they are fully-qualified and trained to administer these injections.

Unfortunately and quite worryingly, this is not always the case. Although the medical aesthetic industry is indeed, highly regulated by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) and the GMC (General Medical Council) to both protect patients and monitor the practises of medical professionals, the beauty industry has no such regulation. In short, this means that a non-medical therapist, such as a beautician, can, in-theory, take a one-day training course in administering an injectable substance, which could be potentially harmful, with no recourse or accountability. Sounds scary doesn’t it?!

Many unsuspecting people are putting their trust, their health, their looks and their wellbeing in to the hands of some uneducated, unwitting individuals who seem to believe they are able to administer these treatments and who will take the money and run.

Ensuring a safe aesthetic treatment

At Mirabel Clinic in Swindon, all of our practitioners are fully-qualified and highly-trained to do the job and if one of our medical practitioners makes a mistake or does not act within their duty of care, having taken the Hippocratic oath to do no harm, they are accountable ad are at risk of being struck off, if they do not adhere to strict regulations set out by the CQC and GMC.

One of the main issues within the beauty industry is that certain training centres will encourage beauticians to buy training for injectable procedures from them and convince them that they will be fully-qualified and trained to administer them. This not only gives them a false sense of security when it comes to the seriousness of these treatments and what can go wrong, but can also lead them to injure and even disfigure one of their clients.

Without medical training and education, as well as the knowledge and skill to handle any unforeseen issues if something goes wrong, it is literally a ticking time bomb, before a very grave mistake can happen.

It is, thankfully, illegal for a non-medically trained person to administer Botox®. However, it is not the case when it comes to dermal fillers and actually, dermal fillers are far more dangerous a substance if badly or wrongly injected. Blindness, tissue death, scarring and intense pain can all come as a result of poor injection techniques.

Swindon’s aesthetic clinic for safe, effective treatments

At Mirabel Clinic, we would always recommend that you choose a fully-qualified medical practitioner to undertake your injectable treatments, do your research and ask to see proof that your chosen practitioner has all the credentials and certifications to back up their claims. If in doubt, back away and choose another clinic to have your treatment.

We are pleased to announce that Mirabel Clinic is registered with the CQC, for peace of mind and the utmost safety when it comes to our patients and their injectable treatments.

Looking for a Swindon aesthetic clinic that puts patient safety at the top of their priority list? Contact the friendly team at Mirabel Clinic today to find out more, or to book a consultation 01793 321180.