Melt away those winter pounds with AQUALYX™ fat dissolving – Mirabel Clinic – Swindon

Aqualyx fat dissolving treatment: The winter months can make us sluggish and we tend to eat more comfort, carb-rich foods. This of course can mean a little weight gain. As the springtime emerges, our clothing will get more revealing and no matter how much we diet and exercise, we may notice some annoying pockets of fat in areas such as the buttocks, thighs and belly.

For most of us, invasive surgery is really not an option and indeed, may not actually be necessary. At Mirabel Clinic in Swindon, we offer a revolutionary non-surgical, quick and effective way to dissolve unwanted fat, in time for Spring, summer and those skimpier outfits!

AQUALYX™ is an injectable treatment which helps to contour the body. It’s otherwise known as lipolysis, lipotherapy or intralipotherapy. AQUALYX™ has been formulated to treat localised pockets of subcutaneous fat, which isn’t easily removable with diet or exercise alone. You know the ones, flanks, belly roll, thigh pockets, muffin tops and even a double chin

It can also be used to treat conditions such as pseudo-gynaecomastia (the appearance of fatty tissue in the nipple area, creating a ‘breast-like’ appearance in men). This can be terribly upsetting for men and if the case has been created by weight gain and not the growth of actual breast tissue as seen in genuine male gynaecomastia, then AQUALYX™ can be an extremely effective solution.

How does AQUALYX™ fat dissolving work?

AQUALYX™ is a compound made from the deoxycholate family of acids. It may also be called Motolese’s solution, after the professor that introduced the treatment. The acids that are present in AQUALYX™ alter the surface tension of fat cell membranes within the body and increase the permeability of these membranes. This causes the fat cells to ‘balloon’ and break up. The micro droplets of fatty liquid that escape from the destroyed fat cells, enter the blood stream and are metabolised naturally, by the lymphatic system, leading to their excretion.

A treatment with AQUALYX™ usually consists of two injection sites; the first being a local anaesthetic (Lidocaine) and the second, the AQUALYX™ itself. However, sometimes we are able to mix the Lidocaone in to the AQUALYX™ injection. Both of these methods assists in the comfort of your AQUALYX™ procedure.

How long does an AQUALYX™ treatment take?

This all depends on the size of the treatment area and whether multiple areas are to be treated in one session. However, expect your AQUALYX™ treatment to last between 30 and 60 minutes. You will most likely need between 2 and 8 treatments, 4 weeks apart.

When will I see the results of my AQUALYX™ treatment?

In many cases, we find that our patients may notice significant results after just 1 to 3 treatments. These cases tend to be for fat pockets beneath the chin or around the neck area. For the treatment of fat around the hips and thighs, 8 treatments are more likely to be required.

How long will the results from my AQUALYX™ treatment last?

Essentially, an AQUALYX™ treatment yields permanent results, as it is destroying the subcutaneous fat cells in localised areas. However, this is dependent on the condition that you maintain a constant weight measurement, exercise moderately and eat a healthy diet. New fat cells can reappear if you put on weight and do not maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Are there any side effects with AQUALYX™ fat dissolving?

Side effects and recovery times associated with AQUALYX™ are far less severe, compared with more invasive treatments such as liposuction. The side effects to our fat dissolving treatment can include some redness, swelling and tenderness in the treated area. Some patients may also experience some bruising, due to the fact that this is an injectable treatment. You will be able to take over-the-counter pain killers for your mild side-effects and can rest assured that these side-effects should resolve within a few days to a week, following your AQUALYX™ treatment.

Patients with concerns after any aesthetic treatment can contact us for advice.

Am I suitable for an AQUALYX™ treatment?

It’s worth considering that AQUALYX™ is developed only for subcutaneous fat and not visceral fat, so is most suited to those who are not clinically obese, but simply have some stubborn, unwanted pockets of fat, which have not been removed by diet and exercise. However, before any treatment using AQUALYX™ can be agreed upon, we will ask that you attend a no obligation, free of charge consultation with one of our AQUALYX™ specialists.

At this initial appointment, you will be able to discuss what is really bothering you about your body and the areas you would like to see an improvement. We can then examine the areas of your body you would like treated, to ensure you’re suitable for the treatment. We will also check your medical history, to make sure that AQUALYX™ will be a safe option and that there are no reasons which prevent your AQUALYX™ treatment from going ahead.

Once we are fully satisfied that AQUALYX™ will indeed, be a safe and suitable procedure for you to undergo, you can book your first treatment appointment.

AQUALYX™ fat dissolving treatment in Swindon at Mirabel Clinic – enquire today

AQUALYX™ has proven to be an effective fat dissolving and body contouring treatment for thousands of people around the globe and can negate the need for more invasive, surgical options. The results can be permanent, if you are invested in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle and can leave you with a smoother, more contoured silhouette.

Fat dissolving treatment is available at our Swindon aesthetic clinic, and we treat patients from across Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire.

If you would like to know more about how to get in shape for Spring with AQUAYX™, contact our expert team, to book a no obligation consultation and assessment with us.

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